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Autographes et lettres reçus de Juli
(page 33 sur 90):
Julie Dolan Voice Artist - Princess Leia in Star Wars Rebels - 16 février 2016
Sent a message to Julie via her website around beginning of Feb '16. Julie provides the voice for Princess Leia in Star Wars Rebels. Received signed pic on 15/02/16. Really pleased, nice lady. Link to picture on my site: Link to envelope:
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Julius Erving NBA HOF RTS - 02 février 2016 | Dirección 'devuelto al remitente' Adresse 'retour à l'expéditeur' .
La Poste n'a pas pu distribuer la lettre.
Sent LOR, SASE and TC to: Mr. Julius Erving 440 Carter Ave. SE Atlanta, GA 30317 Came back marked RTS. Sent: 1/19/16 Received: 2/2/16 Uploaded with
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Julie Dolan - Voice of Princess Leia in Star Wars Rebels - 01 février 2016
Julie was super sweet and sent an 8x10 to my son and I! Sent: an email to her website Received:[color=#FF0000 on 2.1.16[/color
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Julie Andrews - Failure - 30 janvier 2016
Almost a year ago, I sent Ms. Julie Andrews a photo of Mary Poppins to be autographed and today, to my disappointment, I received my photo back along with an UNSIGNED black and white photo of Ms. Andrews, and this letter stating that she no longer signs autographs for fans. P.S. I used the address in the database
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Julian Glover Success - Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Indy - 27 janvier 2016
Sent: LOR, SAE, $2, & 2 - 4x6's [color=#FF0000on 10.7.15[/color To: "Game of Thrones" Titanic Films Studios Titanic House 2 Queen's Road Queen's Island Belfast Northern Ireland BT3 9DT UK Received:[color=#FF0000 on 1.25.16[/color
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