Autographes et lettres reçus de Juli (page 27 sur 90): |
Julian Glover - success - 21 juin 2017 Sent: 26.07.2016 Received: 12.09.2016 Adress: Julian Glover Conway Van Gelder Grant Ltd. 8-12 Broadwick Street 3rd Floor London W1F 8HW United Kingdom ... lover.html |
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Julie Bowen of Modern Family TTM success - 09 mai 2017 Ms. Julie Bowen c/o Liberman Zerman 252 N. Larchmont Blvd. Sent 2-13-17 rec 5-9-17 Suite 200 Los Angeles, CA 90004 Sent Julie a SASE a LOR and the 8x10 pictured. I love her comedic timing and shes Gorgeous IMHO. |
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Julie Sommars (Matlock) success - 18 avril 2017 |
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Julie Andrews half-success - 05 mars 2017 I wrote to Julie Andrews back in November 2016 and received this in February 2017. I sent a LoR, SASE, and two photos to be signed, even though it is said she is more likely to sign books. The address was, Julie Andrews 8840 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90212 ... 6y1h4.html ... vjp3m.html Unfortunately, I don't think the address will work anymore, and you'll get a, "sorry-Julie-Andrews-does-not-sign-autographs-anymore" letter. The fan mail manager was nice to me and said that she found this pre-print on an empty ten-year-old box that had had 500 pre-prints in it and thought I might like to have the one taped to the box, which was generous. |
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Julia Nickson-Soul success - 19 février 2017 On 7.23.16, sent LOR, SASE, & 8x10. Received a different signed 8x10 on 2.16.17. She wrote on the back of the picture that she was sorry but weather had destroyed some of her fanmail. You could tell that my return envelope had gotten pretty wet at some point, I guess the rain messed up my original picture. Address: Julia Nickson Soul c/o Kjar & Associates 10153 1/2 Riverside Dr. Toluca Lake, CA 91602 Uploaded with ###:// |
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