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Autographes et lettres reçus de Juli
(page 69 sur 90):
Julia McKenzie (Miss Marple) Success - 22 novembre 2012
I sent LOR, two photos and SAE. Received my photos (first and second) signed and additional photo signed in my SAE. Sent: 08 September 2012 Received: 21 November 2012 Address used: Julia Mckenzie Ken McReddie Associates 101 Finsbury Pavement London EC2A 1RS UK
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Actress Julie Bowen Success - 18 novembre 2012
Thoughts on authenticity? Sent the pic & SASE. Address: c/o Modern Family 10201 W Pico Blvd Bldg 69 Los Angeles CA 90035 Sent - 6/2/11 Returned - 11/10/12
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Franco Zeffirelli (Romeo and Juliet) success X 5 - 18 novembre 2012
sent 5 photo's, LOR and SASE 15.06.2012 Address: Franco Zeffirelli Via Giuseppe Pisanelli 2 00196 Roma Italy Received 5 photo signed 16.11.12. Foto: Uploaded with Uploaded with Env.: Uploaded with
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Disappointing Julie Andrews Reply - 12 novembre 2012
Evidently Julie Andrews is no longer authenticly signing through the mail. Bummer, but I am pleased the director of her fanmail took the time to explain what happened and still send a photo. She didn't have to do that, so at least there was some sort of explanation behind why I didn't receive a reply. She did include a note that said if I wanted the picture I sent back to send a SASE, but I can't decide if I want to waste the postage since it won't be signed. Thoughts? I've included a photo of the photo I received and the note that was included.
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Julie Bowen - Success - 12 novembre 2012
Hi, On 1/26/12 I wrote to Julie Bowen who currently plays Clare on Modern family at the address for the show: Modern Family 20th Century fox studios 10201 W. Pico Blvd bldg 69 Los Angeles CA 90035 Then on 11/10/12 I received a beautiful 8X10 colored photo of her with her signature on it. Thank you Now have autographs of both her and Ed'O'Neil /Jay\ from the show Modern Family. Will let you know if I get any others.
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