Comment écrire à Victoria Wood?:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
VICTORIA WOOD (COMEDIENNE) - SUCCESS!! - 23 septembre 2015 Victoria Wood (Commander Of The British Empire) is one of Britain's best loved comediennes.
I've been a big fan of Victoria ever since the mid eighties when her BAFTA award winning sketch show, Victoria Wood As Soon On TV was first broadcast.
This was a show that featured Victoria along with a cast which consisted of many of her friends (including Julie Walters), that all became caricature's of people often from the North of England, performing short comedic sketches. Arguably the most popular being Acorn Antiques.
In the late 80s Victoria appeared on TV with some hugely successful stand-up shows, where, she again, impersonates many people from the North of England.
My favourite sketch being where she walks on stage wearing a long mack with a beret on back to front, all wide eyed, asking the audience, "Has anyone seen Kimmm-ber-ley?" in a broad Northern accent (pictured below).
In the late 90s she went on to write and star in the successful situation comedy series, Dinner Ladies.
Her more recent work have been dramas.
I sent her a 4 page A5 LOR, 2 A4 photos, SASE.
Address: (taken from fanmail.biz)
Phil McIntyre Management Ltd
3rd Floor
85 Newman Street
Sent: 22/07/2015
Received: 22/09/2015
Turnaround: 8 Weeks
I'm very pleased with this success as Victoria is an extremely private person and she also took the time to add a short note on the back of my photo.
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Victoria Wood success - 01 avril 2015 I sent 2 photos, letter and SAE to Victoria on: 28th February 2015, and a few weeks ago i recieved my photos back signed and personalized.
address I used was:
Victoria Wood,
c/o Phil McIntyre Management Ltd,
3rd Floor,
85, Newman Street,
Here is the pic: |  |
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Victoria Wood Q+A success - 09 novembre 2014 I sent a letter asking some questions and SAE to Victoria on: 23rd October 2014, and last Thursday i recieved my Q+A back answered, plus she included a signed photo too.
address I used was:
Victoria Wood,
c/o Phil McIntyre Management Ltd,
3rd Floor,
85, Newman Street,
Here are the pics:
http://surfmypictures.com/image/0dbbf0f ... gzncq.html
http://surfmypictures.com/image/0dbbf0f ... l6w12.html |   |
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